A Strong, Stable, Independent Digital Currency Designed to Solve Problems

1 Coin = Average Price of One Liter of Water Sold Separately

The Myth of Supplies & Demand in Currencies

Unlimited by Design

Stable using calibration method, Not backed up by any limited physical asset

Stable by Design

Any bad actor that doesn’t respect the exchange rate will make the good actors richer

Accurate Real Time Valuation

Coin value based on real time water price observation made by randomly picked users

Real CryptoCurrency

Open Source, P2P, No Central Authority, No Ownership, powered 100% by users

No need for Creditors

Since value and stability don’t depend on human’s confidence and trust but rather observation and logic

Transactional & Scalable

Consensus mechanism opened to business that process O transactions

About Us

O is an “association de loi 1901”, a French nonprofit association based in Cote D’Or, France. It was created in September 2022 by Christophe Normand and Michel Inacio. Our mission is to design, program and promote a stable digital coin based on potable water. Our main source of financing comes from donations from individuals and memberships. Please, take some time to review our FAQs and understand what we’re doing. If you like our project, there are many ways you can help us.

Christophe Normand

Christophe Normand
O Founder & President
View LinkedIn Profile




This document provides the design of a digital stable coin based on potable water. The notion of stable coin doesn’t make sense without mentioning his referential. At time of this writing (November  2023), all existing stable coins are based on volatile and/or controlled values, either directly or indirectly thru algorithms and therefore share the same volatility risks as their referential. For this reason and as it has been used many times in human history for obvious reasons (see kilogram definition in “Système des poids et mesures” a.k.a. Metric System), we have chosen potable water as referential for our stable coin guaranteeing stability and zero inflation with potable water, which is the base of life and is present in one way or another on earth wherever humans live. 

One O coin is defined as the average retail value of one liter of potable water bought individually.

We will first explain how a stable coin calibrated on potable water is the solution to resolve most of the problems humans are facing today at once and for all. We will then explain the core architecture of the O coin.

Water Based Coin Benefits

The benefits of having a stable coin independent of any other volatile value are huge because the only reason a currency needs to be limited/controlled and can’t be used to solve non profitable issues is because of the risk of devaluation against other currencies due to the loss of investor’s confidence who would naturally expect a financial return.

A coin defined as the average value to buy one liter of potable water can be used as an infinite source of wealth that doesn’t need creditors considering his usage profits all humans the same way and therefore won’t represent a cost to current and next generation because it would stay stable independently of human trust and confidence. Such a stable coin can be used to solve the problems all humans are facing today and that current economic model is failing to address as it always requires a financial return.

A universal water based stable coin is also the only viable solution for the creation of a universal basic income. This concept has been the subject of several debates where the supporters affirm that in current time where machines are taking over human’s jobs and poverty/homelessness is rising, this would improve social, financial, economic and security aspects of our society and the opponents arguing that it will devaluate the value of work, create unwanted immigration flow and cost money that doesn’t exist.

A water based stable coin can be used to create a universal basic income satisfying both supporters and opponents concerns because:

More precisely, here is a list of issues that a water based stable coin will help address:

A water based stable coin will help fix most of the problems we are facing today in all countries at once and for all, and without the need of creditors as the stability is independent of trust and confidence. We will now explain how we can create a stable coin based on water without backing it up by assets and without any direct human intervention while keeping it transparent and opened for all.

O Core Architecture

A stable coin is not a replacement for a volatile coin, this is a concept that never existed before and that complements current systems of wealth and value. While most volatile currency are used as investment value, it doesn’t make much sense for a stable coin to be stored as it will not gain or loose value overtime; instead, this coin will be a transactional coin. Investments will continue to use traditional volatile system while low income people and businesses will have trust in the money they earn or trade and the value of the money will be equal everywhere and stable over time in a referential of basic human necessities.

To avoid entering into the volatile system of “supply and demand” where controlled and/or uncontrolled inventory set the value based on demands, the O coin won’t be backed by any physical asset allowing unlimited supply and avoiding inventory/price manipulation. Instead, we will use a method of calibration and will demonstrate we can defy the principle of “supply and demand” and create unlimited stable wealth with the right design.

In order for a water based stable coin to work and in addition to traditional “mining” which rewards users that create and store blocks, we need users to establish and measure exchange rates between the water based referential and current referential so the blockchain can provide supposed and measured exchange rates between O and other currencies.  Here are the three types of tasks that will reward users when they perform them either on their own (for traditional mining) or when picked randomly by the blockchain (for data collection):

Now, let see how we can help currencies respect the rate established by the blockchain through user’s measurements and without third party authority. 

To force maintain the coin stable in his referential, we will use the very simple human principle that the offender’s sanction can be the reward of the offended. 

In other words, if a currency becomes unstable with O (out of his supposed range for a certain amount of time), it will automatically trigger two sanctions for the offender by:

The benefit of this system is that individuals and governments would both have interest in keeping the exchange rates to how it is defined by the blockchain so they don’t generate money for other good actors that follow the rules and individuals from that currency can receive money from other currencies that are disrespectful of the O value. A currency that exchanges at a rate different than the rate made of human measurements, provided by the blockchain, would take the risks of enriching other currency’s users, therefore becoming poorer over time and also having his users angry by not receiving their part of the stabilization mining. 

Based on this business model, the following case scenarios may happen:

For the good actors, which currency follows the official exchange rate, funds in O coin will be able to be created thru smart contracts using an e-governance based on scientific knowledge & evidence; measured performance and with goals that benefit all humans the same way. The e-governance algorithm will be the subject of our next whitepaper.


In this document, we successfully designed a digital currency that is universal, stable in his referential and based on the value of life. This will allow to create unlimited wealth that can be used to solve vital issues humanity is facing and that current wealth don’t want to pay due to lack of financial return. As explained in this document, this will permit to reverse immigration, clean our soil, water and air, solve homelessness and poverty, create jobs, reduce inflation, increase buying power, reduce tax, improve security, make health care accessible for everybody and create policies that makes sense to all humans in the same way. This will soon be followed by another white paper which will define the base of a decentralized e-governance to control the creation of coins thru smart contacts for project that serve all humans on earth and that current system can’t finance due to the lack of financial return.

Your generosity and support are always appreciated, all individual financial donations are welcomed !
Note that we do not accept donations from governments, political parties, corporations or interest groups.

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Memberships are valid for one year from the date of subscription and should be renewed every year to keep the membership active.
All O Members receive our communications and annual reports. They also receive a general admission ticket to our annual convention planned in the summer.

O Annual Subscription – Student – Low Income

25,00  / Year

O Annual Subscription for Student & Low Income

O Annual Subscription – Medium Income

125,00  / Year

O Annual Subscription for Medium Income

O Annual Subscription – High Income

250,00  / Year

O Annual Subscription for High Income

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© O International, A Nonprofit Association Focused on the Creation of a Water Based Stable Coin
Association de Loi 1901 – France
Numero de Siret (French SIREN) : 924 014 467 00014